
Video 4: Low Desire Person
Video 5: High Desire Person (coming soon)


Rebooting Desire and Getting the Sex Life You Deserve.

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What Can You Do to Increase Desire?

It’s true, some people naturally have a low libido.


That doesn’t mean either of you have to be without sexual intimacy…

unless the person with low desire is actually an “asexual” (someone who doesn’t have any interest sex at all).


In most situations, this is not the case.

It’s simply a matter of jolting desire back in place.


There are powerful tools to help that I show you in the video.

Don’t worry, I offer tips for the person with the higher libido in the next video.

….and if you think revamping your sex life would be useful, check out my Long Term Intimacy Course.


I’ve only JUST opened up this training series, so I would really love to hear your thoughts.

Let me hear from you in the comments below :)
