How To Share Your Wants and Needs, Align Your Desires and Create a Sexual Arrangement That’s Vibrant & Fulfilling.

Where Do You Go From Here?

Once you have an idea of your wants, needs and desires and share these with your partner, it’s time to bring it all together.

Imagine actually starting your sexual dynamic and knowing exactly what’s on the menu and where you both stand.

A well thought out plan.

What effect do you think that would have on your relationship and how you interact?

It’s a lot easier than making assumptions and trying to be mind readers…that can really cause some disappointment and heartache.


It doesn’t have to be that hard.

I show some steps to make the process easier, more fun and meaningful in the video.

….and if you like the video and think having a thorough plan would be useful, check out my Long Term Intimacy Course.
