Video 2: Erotic Sessions

Video 3: Coming Soon

How to Plan Your Ultimate Erotic Adventure and Ensure It Satisfies Both Your Desires.

Your Desires & Ideas Combined.

If you want to boost desire with the tools I showed in the last video, and incorporate them into a sizzling, satisfying sexual session, there’s two ways to do it:

  1. Be spontaneous and use your primal urges to guide you; or

  2. Build anticipation by planning the session and researching ahead of time.

Here’s The Good News:

The first method doesn’t work well for building a mutually satisfying love life and getting to know each other sexually for the long term….but that’s where many people go wrong (yes, even long term couples have this problem).

They expect their partner to be mind readers or to just know what the other person is experiencing

….unless, perhaps you are a mind reader?

In which case, you shouldn’t have any issues satisfying each other right? :-)

If you simply rely on primal urges, how do you know if your partner is truly enjoying the activity?

Or, more importantly, how will you ever get to explore deeper?

It’s fine to rely on spontaneous sexual urges when starting out (when lustful emotions are still running high), but this can get stale very quickly.

I made this mistake too.

And so do MANY couples.

“I wish he would just grab me and have his way with me against the wall.”

“It would be nice if she initiated once in a while.”

“I would love to try this but I’m too afraid to bring it up.”

Sound familiar?

Sloppy planning leads to DISAPPOINTMENT.

So here’s the better news:

All you’ve got to do is plan together.

It may seem simple and obvious.

That’s because it is simple and obvious.

But there’s also an art to it.

In order for this to really work and for you to both be happy with your erotic escapades, you need to follow some crucial steps.

….And This Video Shows You

Crucial Tips for Planning

Satisfying Erotic Rendezvous.

Like I point out in the video, talking about these issues can be daunting.

So, here’s the PDF Erotic Worksheet that I promised you and which I talk about in the video.

Enjoy :-)

It’s useful for aligning your wants, needs and desires and also your limits.

And…if you like the video, use my Long Term Sexual Intimacy Course to help you build a sex life you can both be happy with for the long term.

It takes you through the crucial steps for establishing and maintaining a vibrant sex life in your long term relationship.

Happy planning!

Buy the Long Term Sexual Intimacy Course NOW