Will your Sex Contracts spice up my sex life?

Spice Sex Agreements are a great tool for enhancing sexual intimacy. Our contracts provide a fun and exciting way to bring you together and get you talking about your wants and needs. It’s a perfect ice breaker which, for some, might be an awkward topic. Plus filling out the form together keeps your focus on track, so other relationship issues won’t get in the way. Take advantage of our ‘sex recipes‘ to give you ideas on keeping your love life fresh. As to whether signing a contract will work for you, that depends entirely on you and your lover and your commitment to an invigorating sex life. Every couple is different, so it’s kind of like an individual asking “will this sex toy give me an orgasm?” The answer lies in your hands.

Will your Sex Agreement Forms fix my relationship?

Please note that negotiating a sex agreement with your significant other is not a substitute for using a professional counselling service. Whilst we would love for our contracts to mend broken bonds, we do not and cannot provide any relationship advice. Our contracts are mainly designed for those couples who already have a good relationship but just want to add some creativity and certainty to their love life. For couples who are experiencing relationship problems, we strongly recommend you seek advice from an appropriate professional.

Is the contract legally enforceable?

Whilst many couples include love making and lifestyle clauses in pre-nuptial agreements written up by their lawyers, such clauses will never be enforceable in a court of law. An agreement as to sex is not legally binding, not even if written up by your attorney.  The intention behind negotiating a sex contract is to define your goals, desires, boundaries and limits.