Long Term Intimacy Course

Long Term Intimacy Course


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6 Steps to Sustaining Amazing Sex & Intimacy in Long Term Relationships.

This course will teach you how to build and maintain vibrant sexual intimacy throughout a long term relationship. Discover how to keep things spicy and interesting over time; how to approach and discuss the subject and share your deepest desires.

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60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
FREECouple’s Erotic Contract with this purchase (save $17)*
* You will receive the free contract in step 6 as part of the lesson on intimate negotiations.

Here’s more on what you’ll learn:

  • Learn to open up, share fantasies and get your partner’s enthusiastic consent.
  • Set your love life up for lifelong success (amazing sex and relationship with your long term lover).
  • If you’re experiencing boredom, monotony or staleness in the bedroom, learn to pull your relationship out of it and back into romance and sexual wanting.
  • Make your partner want you (again?) and keep them coming back for more.
    Enjoy the new excitement that you achieve by learning to be open about your sexual preferences and learning to please one another and enjoy each other’s talents.
  • Discover the best kept secret for skyrocketing your sex drives.
  • Stop feeling sexually deprived and eliminate sexual rejection.
  • Banish the need to make up excuses to avoid sex.
  • Discover how to bring this topic up and how to convey your opinions, wants and needs to get to a place where you are BOTH happy.
  • Have you let your wants and needs take a back seat to the demands of the family and household? Learn to reverse this negative trend.
  • Busy lifestyle? Kids? No time? No problem. Discover awesome, practical tips to indulge in sexual exploration for those with little free time.
  • Spend quality time together, get your relationship on track and become better friends.
  • Learn to talk about intimacy problems in an open and honest way to get the absolute most out of your relationship.
  • Learn to set realistic expectations and goals, increase communication on the topic (even with a shy lover), and build a more trusting and intimate relationship.
  • Learn techniques to turn each other on, over and over again.

This course is for you if:

  • You are newly married or a couple intending to start a long term relationship and you wish to build a good foundation for keeping sexual intimacy a priority in your relationship; or
  • You are already in a long term relationship/marriage and wish to improve your relationship and sexual intimacy.

This course is NOT suitable for you if:

  • Either you or your partner have no interest in either: engaging in any sexual intimacy or improving your relationship; or
  • Your only intention is to force or manipulate your partner to be more intimate with you, regardless of their wants and needs.

Click here to view an outline of the Course lessons.

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