Having sex can be many things such as romantic, kinky, spontaneous, long, slow, short or fast. But something that it just needs to be every once in a while is fun! In that vein, nothing can make sex more fun than this little recipe for sexual spice and variety. Not only is it inexpensive, but it will really get you up close and personal with your partner. All of the slippery motion and bare skin sliding against each other will create some of the craziest, hottest sensations that you’re ever likely to experience. There should be nothing stopping you from taking the following very short shopping list and having the night of your life!

Couple flirting on a slippery tarpIngredients

  • 1 small bottle of vegetable oil, olive oil, peanut oil, or your preference
  • 1 inexpensive plastic tablecloth or shower curtain
  • A clean, clear space large enough to spread out the plastic item

When you go shopping for your oil, keep in mind that you’re most likely going to taste it during the encounter so choose something that you’re going to like. Most people choose a room with linoleum or hardwood that has plenty of room to spread out the plastic of choice. This can be the kitchen if you’ve got a really large one. It can even be in the family room. All it takes is enough space to hold the plastic and roll around. Yes, you read that correctly. You’re going to do some rolling around on that plastic.

Now, take the small container of oil and pour it evenly over the plastic item you have chosen. Make sure that it is evenly distributed so that it covers the entire area. Once you have prepared the plastic, all that is left is for you and your partner to strip down totally.
If you don’t want to deal with really oily hair later, you will want to either pin it up somehow or wear a shower cap. Of course, shower caps are not really all that sexy but whatever works for you is what you should do.

Now for the fun part: you and your partner lie down on the oil covered plastic and begin whatever foreplay you generally enjoy to begin your encounters. Kiss and hold each other as you slide around in the oil. In no time, you will both have fully oil coated bodies that will allow you to slide against each other. If you have never enjoyed something like this, you will never forget it and will want to experience this on other occasions. There is really no feeling such as that sensation of two slippery bodies moving together.

Nature will definitely take its course as you continue to use the oil as a body lubricant and you will experience untold amounts of pleasure with your partner. Everything is allowed. All you have to do is “feel” when you’re trying out this recipe. That is what will give you the ultimate in satisfaction.

Of course, it’s a foregone conclusion that you and your partner are going to need showers after you are finished. So once you clean up by discarding the empty oil bottle and the plastic, there is nothing that says you cannot shower together and who knows just where that might lead?

Use our sex recipes in conjunction with your Marriage Sex Contract or other Sex Agreement to spice up your sex life and maintain intimacy within your relationship.